Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Advance Notice iS needed to Place an Order?

We recommend placing your order when you rent your vacation home. If renting last minute we ask that you secure 14 days in advance.

Should we check our linen bag Upon our Arrival?

Yes, we strongly suggest you do to be sure you have all that you ordered, mistakes can happen. Contact us before 6 PM so we can do our best to correct it same day. If after 6 PM please leave a message and we will be in contact shortly to assist the following day.

WHY Create an Account?

It’s very helpful for clients that will be renting multiple times within one stay or if you plan on a few stays in one season. Click here to register.


We understand emergencies come up - we request you cancel 3 days or more. If after that period we will refund you all but, a $35 restocking/loss fee.

I’m a homeowner renting linens for the season do I need to pay all at once?

No, but we recommend you let us know of all dates you have reserved so we can ensure we’ll have what you need. We also offer discounts on longer rental periods and will waive delivery fees if using our service consistently.

Please feel free to call for a quote for your home 800-515-0401.

We’re renting a home for more than a week. what are our options?

You use our linens and launder as you like or if we can arrange a refresh swap delivered for you whenever you would like.

We offer discounts on 2-3 week orders of 10% off and 4+ weeks of 30% off.

I’m the homeowver, how do we let renters know what to do at check out?

It’s helpful to set clear instructions when communicating to your renters. Then we provide you will a card to leave with welcome packages. It states what is provided with laundry bags explaining the process for them on departure day. This is one of the perks of providing our linens…no laundering for you on turnover days.

How do I place An order of fresh weekly sheets?

You can place each week individually or alternatively you can call us at our 800 number and we can create an invoice for you to click and pay.

Can i wash the linens & do you have any special instructions?

Yes, absolutely launder as your own while renting but we do ask that you separate colors and use no harsh ingredients.